martes, 14 de febrero de 2017

Child and adult in faith

Now pay attention because you have never been this way before, you have never been in this position before, very humbling indeed, my Spiritual parents always say, never claim to know all, it is not wrong to say I do not know, but I want to know. I have walked with God a few years as a child of God and this year on the 09 Nov, I turned 1 year as a Servant of God, it dawned on me only last week that many years I have walked with God as a child of God, what I learnt, I learnt as a child, but today as a Servant, I also need to learn as a Servant, thru The Holy Spirit who is ever present but also from those who have been before me, being the servants of God, I have read The Holy Bible from Genesis to Revelation as a child, last week I have started to read it again, this time as a Servant, so being in a new phase, new position, new level I have to learn again, learning never stops until we have pasd on, on my side I wud say God is always saying something. Thank u so much, may the good Lord continue shining His face on you, I'm so humbled and touched by ths words of freedom,so rich yet given freely. written bt Kef Aud Sebina

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